I just wanted to show you my poppy, Niki. Look, how cute he is. He is a seven months old York Shire Terrier and completely trained. He is so smart and also stubborn. I love him so much. From the first day that bought him and I brought him home, he never ever cried at all and he is been always very happy boy. He loves his toys that I bought for him especially the yellow cat one "Poor this cat." The colour of his hair is changing everyday from black to silver and tan. There is one thing that is so special about him and that is his ears. He has the cutest and biggest ears compare to other yorkies and these ears make him look so much different than others. He has another specific attitute, which is only for him and I have never seen it in other dogs. He loves to seat on my bed and watch the door very carefully, it sounds silly but he loves it.
Good Poppy...